Disclaimer, this is a near copy-paste of the rules of the Firefighting Wiki. Check out the inspiration for the Emergency Medical Service Wiki here: https://fire.fandom.com
The Emergency Medical Service Wiki is a website for people interested in emergency medical service (EMS). Its primary purpose is to share apparatus rosters from ems departments around the world. Everyone deserves a respectful and welcoming experience here. Prolific contributions and technical expertise do not justify lower standards of behavior. Technical skills and community status make no difference to the right to be respected and the obligation to respect others. Newcomers and other contributors with limited experience in our community deserve a welcoming attitude and constructive feedback. To ensure a welcoming experience for everyone, we've created this rules page. If you violate the rules, your account may be banned.
- Be civil. No harassment, personal attacks, threats, or name-calling directed at other people.
- No offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory comments.
- Vandalism and spamming will not be tolerated. Accounts will be immediately blocked for an indefinite period of time.
- No trolling (defined as performing actions for the purpose of provoking angry or negative reactions from other people).
- Do not post images that are in violation of copyright. This is applied broadly - we're not copyright lawyers and we don't want to argue about what constitutes fair use. If it's taken from another website without permission / attribution, it's subject to removal.
- Linking vehicle descriptions to photos elsewhere online is widely practiced on this wiki. However, sometimes disputes arise over which photo to link. Posed quality shots will take precedence over pictures of opportunity unless there have been major changes to the vehicle reflected in a newer photo. "Posed quality shots" is subjective and admin reserves the right to make this distinction. Please keep in mind that the purpose of this wiki is not to direct traffic to people's personal photo or video pages. In addition, photo links should not require an account to be viewed. This means that Facebook page settings should be set to allow viewers without an account to see the photos.
- No edit warring, which is defined as changing pages back and forth between favored versions. Use the talk pages to discuss in a respectful manner.
- Real agencies only, please - nothing fictional .
- The Emergency Medical Service Wiki is intended as a resource on EMS agencies and EMS vehicles. Please do not add fire or police agencies that are not part of fire departments - those emergency services deserve their own wikis. (Fire wiki
- Finally, remember what this site is. It's for sharing information on EMS vehicles, not a life or death situation.
This rule page is not intended as an exhaustive list of problem behaviors. Admin reserves the right to assess situations and take action as it deems necessary.